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Psychological Foundation of education:

Psychological Foundation of education By Miss Nazneen Psychological Foundation of education: Meaning and Historical background of Psychology: Meaning:             The word ‘Psychology’ comes from the Greek words Psycho-logos. While ‘Psycho’ means ‘Soul’ and ‘logos’ means ‘Science’. Thus the meaning of Psychology is the ‘Science of Soul’.                         We know that Psychology as an independent discipline acquired separate status very recently. Formerly it was studies as a sub-branch of philosophy. 1)         The arm-chair philosophers were interested in the nature of soul. Democritus was the first Greek philosopher who argued that everything is composed of indivisible, unitary material atoms in constant motion. People  are constituted of soul atom and body atom. The nature of soul was not  defined in definite terms. Therefore his views were opposed by other contemporary philosophers; hence the definition of psychology as a science of soul was given up. 2)         The phi